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  • Cash for Zamora when Grocery Shopping!

    Scrip Card at Nugget & Food-4-Less: Each time you checkout have them scan your scrip card.  Zamora will get a percentage of your purchase – at no extra cost to you!

    Get a scrip card at the front office or by emailing  Then go to to set up your account and add “Zamora Elementary-PTA” as the beneficiary.
    Amazon + Shopping = Zamora $$
    Be sure you're shopping at and all of your Amazon purchases will give Zamora a percentage of your purchase.  Amazon Smile offers ALL the same items at the same price, but with the bonus of supporting our school!
    On the site, click on your Accounts & Lists, then Your Amazon Smilelink, then designate “401 Zamora Elementary PTA” as the charity you support!

    No more clipping and saving - just scan your receipts!

    No more clipping, saving and sending in box tops with your student. Just download the Box Tops app, designate Zamora Elementary School as your beneficiary school and start scanning. (If you do happen to find any to cut out — those can be given to your student's teacher.

    With your app open, take pictures of your shopping receipts and it will automatically add money to Zamora's account!
Board Members

Board Members

2023-2024 Board Members

President - Elissa Farnham 

Vice President - Katie Curran
Treasurer - Sarah Reynolds 

Secretary - Ali Gay 

Communications - Annie Preciado 

Parliamentarian - Lacey Passantino
Historian - Alys Henderson 
Teacher Representative - Mrs. Richter